15 Route 66 E Columbia, CT 06237   860-228-0212

Used Tire Center Near Hebron CT

When you need any type of tire near Hebron, check out Tire and Brake Clinic, the area’s best used tire center. Tire and Brake Clinic has a great selection of new and used tires for your car, truck or SUV. As the top tire dealer serving the central eastern CT, you will find the best tire brands at the best prices. Tire and Brake Clinic is also your number one source for all local auto repair and tire services. You can save a lot of money if you purchase quality used tires for your vehicle. Because most of our tire purchases are unexpected expenses, they can come at a time when we can least afford it. If the rest of your tires are still in good shape and all you need is one, shop for a pre-owned tire that still has plenty of miles left on it. You may not even be planning to hold onto your vehicle for more than a year. Just shop at Tire and Brake Clinic and replace that damaged tire with a used one and take the family out for dinner with the money you just saved. We at Tire and Brake Clinic want to be your tire, brake and auto repair shop. For any auto repair and tire service, bring your car to Tire and Brake Clinic located on Route 66 in Columbia Connecticut. We are open 6 days a week for your convenience. Call us today at 860-228-0212.

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Used Tire Center Near Hebron CT | Tire and Brake Clinic

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